Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles
Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.
The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU
Education & Degrees
Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands
State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Masters in Philosophy (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)
Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics
Professional Training
Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam
A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,
Switzerland, specializing in Oncology
Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco
September, 1973
The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.
May, 1986
California, USA
February, 1994
Approbation, Germany
Juni 2005
Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Past Positions
1978 – 1984
Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine
12/1987 – 11/1988
Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco
12/1987 – 9/1993
Attending Physican
Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 3/1992
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
10/1988 – 3/1992
Medical Director
Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of California San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
8/1988 – 3/1992
Attending Physician
Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member San Francisco County Community Consortium
Scientific Advisory Committee
9/1988 – 3/1992
Member Core Faculty APEX Program
San Francisco General Hospital
12/1988 – 7/1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco
9/1989 – 3/1992
Medical Consultant
California Medical Facilities
California Correctional System, Vacaville, California
1/1990 – 1/1994
Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area
10/1992 – 04/1993
Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,
University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School
09/1996 – 1/2000
Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.
Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.
Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.
01/2004 – 08/2005
Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).
Present and/or Past Positions
7/1993 – 12/2008
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family & Community Medicine
University of California San Francisco.
12/1987 – 1/2003
Attenting Physician
Department of Family and Community Medicine,
San Francisco General Hospital.
02/1993 – 1998
Member, Scientific Advisory Board
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
02/1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
2/1993 -2/1994
Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.
08/2001 – 01/2005
Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.
07/1994 – 01/1996
Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
01/1993 – Present
Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia
01/2001 – 09/2005
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA
09/1996 – 09/2006
Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa
09/1994 – 01/2001
Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.
1/01 – Present
Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (
09/2003 – 2005
Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.
Additional Clinical Experience
Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1972 – 1983
(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
1974 – 1984
Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1975 – 1983
In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva
1976 – 1983
Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine
1978 – 1983
Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800
patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose
1983 – 1985
Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – 1992
Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic
San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.
1984 – 1987
Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine
San Francisco General Hospital
1987 – 1989
Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco
1987 – 1992
Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.
1992 – 1994
Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
1994 – 2000
Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University Berlin, Germany
2001 – Present
Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany
Research Experience
1978 – 1983
Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam
Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models
1984 – 1985
Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA
1984 – 1992
Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)
1986 – 1987
Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas
1986 – 1989
Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients
1986 – Present
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease
1986 – 1989
Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease
1986 – 1989
Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease
Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan
1989 – 1994
Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients
1989 – 2002
Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic
1990 – Present
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia
1993 – 1994
Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system
1993 – 2000
Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences
1995 – 1999
Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia
1995 – 2000
Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients
1995 – Present
Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.
1997 – 1999
Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.
1997 – 2006
Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.
1997 – 2001
In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.
1997 – 2003
Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.
2001 – Present
Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.
2003 – 2010
Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.
2003 – 2010
Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.
Teaching Experience
1969 – 1977
School of Nursing
University of Amsterdam
1976 – 1983
Clinical Instructor
University of Amsterdam
1984 – 1993
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco
1987 – 1990
Clinical Instructor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1991 – 1993
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1993 – 2000
Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
1992 – 1993
Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia
1993 – Present
Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany
1993 – 2006
Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy
2006 – present
Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.
1994 – 2000
Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
1995 – 2008
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg
1996 – 2006
Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
1998 – 2005
Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa
1998 – 2005
Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa
1999 – Present
Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.
2000 – 2001
Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).
1968 – 1973
“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)
Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)
1981 – 1983
University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)
Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)
University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)
Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)
1994 – 1999
Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin
Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments
Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia
Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa
Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.
Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.
Membership in Professional Organizations
1974 – Present
International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations
1974 – Present
Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)
1974 – Present
Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
1978 – 1983
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Geneeskunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)
1984 – Present
American Academy of Family Physicians
1984 – 1994
Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area
1985 – 1993
California Medical Association
1988 – 1993
San Francisco Medical Society
1988 – 2000
International AIDS Society
1992 – 2008
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)
1992 – 2000
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft
1993 – Present
Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland
1994 – 2003
Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia
1994 – Present
Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer
1994 – 2000
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)
1997 – 2004
American Medical Association (AMA)
2001 – Present
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)
2001 – Present
Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)
2001 – Present
European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
2002 – Present
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
2003 – Present
International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
2003 – Present
European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)
Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:
– Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal
– Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes
– Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association
– Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice
– Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology
– Reviewer for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
– Reviewer for Neurology
Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service
– Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).
– Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).
– Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).
– Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.
– Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.
– Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.
– Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (
– Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.
– Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).
– Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).
– Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-
ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).
– Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (
– Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.
– Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (
– Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.
Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level
AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986
247. Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.
248. “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.
249. “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.
250. “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.
Original Articles
1. Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982
2. Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989
3. Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991
4. Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991
5. Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991
6. Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992
7. Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992
8. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992
9. Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994
10. Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994
Book Chapters
1. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
2. Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.
Overview Articles