Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD. - Curriculum vitae


Fluent in speaking and writing: Dutch, English, German, French, Afrikaans, Vlaams. Basic understanding of Italian and Spanish.


The Netherlands; permanent resident USA and the EU

 Education & Degrees

Primary and secondary (classical gymnasium) education at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem, Netherlands


State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Masters in Philosophy (MS)

Doctor of Medicine (MD, PhD)


Specialty Training in Family & Community Medicine at the State University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Tropical Medicine (Inefctious Diseases) at the University of Amsterdam. This included half-a-year Surgery and half-a-year Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professional Training


Residency in Family and Community Medicine State University of Amsterdam


A further term was spent in a teaching hospital in Basel,

Switzerland, specializing in Oncology


Specialty training in General Internal Medicine and in Family & Community Medicine San Francisco General Hospital / University of California, San Francisco


September, 1973       

The Netherlands, Germany and several other countries of the European Union.

 May, 1986          

California, USA

 February, 1994

Approbation, Germany

Juni 2005        

Transfusionsverantwortlicher/-beauftragter Ärztekammer NordRhein in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 Past Positions

 1978 – 1984         

Clinical Instructor, State University of Amsterdam Department of Family Medicine

 12/1987 – 11/1988       

Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine University of California San Francisco

 12/1987 – 9/1993        

Attending Physican

Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 3/1992      

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine, Department for AIDS & AIDS Oncology, University of California San Francisco

12/1988 – 7/1993        

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

10/1988 – 3/1992

Medical Director

Department of AIDS Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of California San Francisco

 8/1988 – 3/1992          

Attending Physician

Davies Medical Center, San Francisco

8/1988 – 3/1992   

Attending Physician

Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

 9/1988 – 3/1992 

Member San Francisco County Community Consortium

Scientific Advisory Committee

9/1988 – 3/1992              

Member Core Faculty APEX Program

San Francisco General Hospital

 12/1988 – 7/1993    

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco

 9/1989 – 3/1992 

Medical Consultant

California Medical Facilities

California Correctional System, Vacaville, California

 1/1990 – 1/1994   

Elected Member Executive Board of the Community Consortium for HIV/AIDS Care and Research, San Francisco Bay Area

 10/1992 – 04/1993    

Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Witten/Herdecke, Medical School

 09/1996 – 1/2000 

Founder and Director of the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research in Berlin, Germany.


Founder of the International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research in Cologne, Germany, and in several other countries.


Founder and Director Medical Center Cologne, an international clinic specialized in Oncology and Immunology (and HIV Infection), and chronic degenerative diseases.

01/2004 – 08/2005

Co-Founder and Medical Director of Dendrimun-Köln, Germany (a society for the advancement of research of dendritic cells and the exploitation of a research laboratory).

Present and/or Past Positions

7/1993 – 12/2008

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family & Community Medicine

University of California San Francisco.

12/1987 – 1/2003

Attenting Physician

Department of Family and Community Medicine,

San Francisco General Hospital.

02/1993 – 1998

Member, Scientific Advisory Board

Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke (teaching hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, Germany).

02/1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

2/1993 -2/1994

Executive Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

08/2001 – 01/2005

Director, International Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research, Amsterdam, Berlin, Florence, Johannesburg, Palma, San Francisco and St Petersburg.

07/1994 – 01/1996

Elected Vice Chair, Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

01/1993 – Present

Visiting Professor, Department of Family Practice, Pavlov Medical Institute / MAPS (post-graduate training program) St. Petersburg, Russia

01/2001 – 09/2005

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), San Francisco State University, California, USA

09/1996 – 09/2006

Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy, Cape Town, South Africa

09/1994 – 01/2001

Director International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research, Cologne, Cape Town, St Petersburg, etc.

1/01 – Present

Director Medical Center Cologne (MCC), Germany. The MCC is a clinic for internal medicine with an emphasis in oncology, immunology, tissue repair, degenerative dieases, and chronic viral infections like HBV & HCV and HIV (

09/2003 – 2005

Director, Long Distance Learning Program on Anthroposophic Health Studies on a Masters Degree level, offered by San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning.

 Additional Clinical Experience


Founder and Director, First European Methadone Detox- and Maintenance Program for heroin addicts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

1972 – 1983

(Executive) Medical Director, Detoxification Program, Jellinik Clinic Amsterdam, Medical Center for Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

1974 – 1984

Privat Practice and ambulatory clinic (day care clinic) in Amsterdam, Netherlands

1975 – 1983

In collaboration with Amnesty International and the State University of Leyden, the Netherlands, and supported by the Dutch government, treating tortured political refugees whom the Dutch government accepted as refugees, according to the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the Convention of Geneva

1976 – 1983

Under the auspices of two Dutch State Universities, post-graduate training of physicians in Family and Community Medicine

1978  – 1983

Founder of a clinic for heroin addicts; treatment included electro-stimulation (electro-acupuncture). About 800

patients were treated in four years. A grant of $3,000,000 by the Citry of Amsterdam was rewarded for this purpose

1983 – 1985

Co-founder Coming Home Hospice, a hospice for homeless AIDS patients in San Francisco, California, USA

1983 – 1992

Attending Physician, AIDS/Oncology Clinic

San Francisco General Hospital, ward 86, San Francisco, California, USA.

1984 – 1987

Senior Resident, Family & Community Medicine

San Francisco General Hospital

1987 – 1989

Co-founder Ayuvedic Clinic for the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients in San Francisco

1987 – 1992

Attending Physician at the high-security prison Vacaville, California, and co-founder of an AIDS-ward and various HIV/AIDS services at this facility.

1992 – 1994

Attending Physician Communiy Hospital Herdecke, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany

1994 – 2000

Attending Physician Moabit Hospital, Free University  Berlin, Germany

2001 – Present

Medical Director and attending physician, Medical Center Cologne, Germany

 Research Experience

1978 – 1983

Research into the effects of electro-stimulation on the production of endorphins in cooperation with a special team of the medical faculty at the University of Amsterdam


Invited lecturer to China by the Chinese government and hospitals in Peking, Kwanzhoo and Shanghai. Exchanges clinical experiences on the effects of electro-stimulation in heroin addiction and anesthesia, and advised on research in animals models

1984 – 1985

Study of blood clotting abnormalities in AIDS patients, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, USA

1984 – 1992

Psychological studies in HIV/AIDS patients, University of California San Francisco, (Collaborators: J. Mandel, PhD, UCSF; G. F. Salomon, MD, UCLA; Lydia Temoshok, PhD, UCSF)

1986 – 1987

Efficacy of Paromomycin on E. histolytica and non-pathogenic amoebas

1986 – 1989

Abnormalities in brainstem provocations in HIV positives and AIDS patients

1986 – Present

Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Iscador in HIV disease

1986 – 1989

Immunomodulating effects of Ditiocarb (Imuthiol) in HIV- disease

1986 – 1989

Anti-viral effects of Dextran sulfate in HIV-disease


Immunomodulating and anti-viral activities of Lentinan

1989 – 1994

Prevalence and progression studies of HTLV-1 and HTLV-II in IVDU’s and blood recipients

1989 – 2002

Assisted suicide by medical doctors in San Francisco in the AIDS epidemic

1990 – Present

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in AIDS and cancer patients with anorexia and cachexia

1993 – 1994

Absorbtion of heavy metals through the skin and its effects on the immune system

 1993 – 2000

Interaction of heart rate variability and breathing rate variability through non-linear time sequences

1995 – 1999

Immunmodulating and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia

1995 – 2000

Clinical efficacy of Dronabinol and Cannabis sativa in MS patients

1995 – Present

Clinical efficacy of THC & CBD and Cannabis sativa in epilepsy and Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV.

1997 – 1999

Clinical efficacy of seabuc oil in atopical dermatitis.

1997 – 2006

Possible psychological changes in chronic Cannabis users.

1997 – 2001

In vitro and ex vivo in vitro stimulation of PBMC’s by Iscador.

1997 – 2003

Effects of mistletoe lectins and viscotoxins on homing of lymphocytes.

2001 – Present

Development and clinical efficacy of autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cell therapy in patients with (solid) tumors.

2003 – 2010

Development and clinical efficacy of CCR5-negative adult stemcell in HIV infection.

2003 – 2010

Development and production of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for tissue repair.

 Teaching Experience

 1969 – 1977

School of Nursing

University of Amsterdam

1976 – 1983

Clinical Instructor

University of Amsterdam

1984 – 1993

School of Nursing

University of California, San Francisco

1987 – 1990

Clinical Instructor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1991 – 1993

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Medicine

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1993 – 2000

Associate Clinical Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

1992 – 1993

Associate Executive Dean at the University of Witten/ Herdecke, Germany


Associate Professor at the Pavlov Medical Institute, Department for Family Practice / MAPS (post-graduate trainingprogram) St Petersburg, Russia

1993 – Present

Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at the University Witten/ Herdecke, Germany

1993 – 2006

Excecutive Dean and Principal Teacher at the School of Art Therapy (Scuola di Luca), Florence, Italy

2006 – present

Principal Lecturer at the School of Art Therapy in Bologna, Italy.

1994 – 2000

Faculty Member as senior lecturer, Free University and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

1995 – 2008

Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program, Medical University of St. Petersburg

1996 – 2006

Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

1998 – 2005

Visiting Professor, Technikon University, Johannesburg, South Africa

1998 – 2005

Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy, Johannesburg, South Africa

1999 – Present

Development of the Long Distance Learning Program for Anthroposophical Health Studies, San Francisco.

2000 – 2001

Guest Professor, Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Director Ivan Havel).


 1968 – 1973

“Studiebeurs” Medical School Scolarship issued by the Dutch government ($50,000)


Grant by Dutch government to establish detoxification clinic for drug addicts ($3,000,000)

1981 – 1983

University of Amsterdam grant to study effect of electro-stimulating on the production of endorphins ($50,000)


Universities of California San Francisco & Berkeley grant to study “Public and Institutional Responses to AIDS in Amsterdam” ($ 30,000)


University-wide AIDS Task Force “HIV and other STDs Among Homeless People in San Francisco” ($160,000)


Phase I/II study on potential anti-HIV and immuno­modulating activities of Viscum album ($ 320,000)

1994 – 1999

Grant ($ 900,000 per year) to head the Institute for Oncological and Immunological Reseach, Berlin


Grant ($ 200,000) for a phase-II trial to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdysplasia from the German and Swiss governments


Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik, Bonn. Grant ($ 200,000) to study efficacy of Iscador in women with cervixdisplasia


Grant ($1,800,000) for two clinical trials in HIV positives in South Africa


Grant ($ 1,000,000) for a phase-III trial to study efficacy and anti-HPV activities of Iscador in women with persistant cervixdysplasia and carcinoma-in-situ.


Grant ($ 15.000) for a phase II/III study with dendritic cells in patients with stage IV Glioblastoma multiforme.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1974 – Present

International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations

1974 – Present

Nederlandse Vereniging van Anthroposofische Artsen (Dutch Anthroposophical Medical Association)

1974 – Present

Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

 1978 – 1983

Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Genees­kunde (Dutch equivalent to AMA)

1984 – Present

American Academy of Family Physicians

1984 – 1994

Community Consortium San Francisco Bay Area

1985 – 1993

California Medical Association

1988 – 1993

San Francisco Medical Society

1988 – 2000

International AIDS Society

1992 – 2008

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter (DAGNÄ)

1992 – 2000

Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft

1993 – Present

Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Ärzte in Deutschland

1994 – 2003

Society for Therapeutic Local Anesthesia

1994 – Present

Society for Biologic Defenses against Cancer

1994 – 2000

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie (German Society for Oncology)

1997 – 2004

American Medical Association (AMA)

2001 – Present

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie (German Society for Hyperthermia)

2001 – Present

Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Anti-Cancer Defense)

2001 – Present

European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology

2002 – Present

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

2003 – Present

International Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)

2003 – Present

European Society for Applied Immunology (EGAI)

Service to Professional Publications as Peer Reviewer over the last 25 years:

–    Reviewer for AIDS, an International Journal

–    Reviewer for Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes

–    Reviewer for Journal of the American Medical Association

–    Reviewer for Journal of Family Practice

–    Reviewer for International Journal of Ethnopharmacology

–    Reviewer for the Journal of  Alternative and Complementary Medicine

–    Reviewer for Neurology

Recent and/ or Ongoing University and Community Service

–    Volunteer for several non-profit organizations serving people living with AIDS (hospice, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, Nkosi Johnson Foundation, Amnesty International, etc.).

–    Member, Search Committees for various positions at the University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany).

–    Board Member and Consultant, Anthroposophic Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin (Germany).

–    Amnesty International, volunteering physician for victims of torture in Amsterdam, Berlin and Cologne.

–    Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, volunteering physician.

–    Advisor to the City and County of San Francisco Taskforce on Prostitution.

–    Founding member of the School of Art Therapy (Scola di Luca, which is carried by a non-profit, tax-exempt organization), Florence, Italy (

–    Founding member of the „International Society for Oncological and Immunological Reseach“ in Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Johannesburg, Prague, San Francico and St Petersburg with patient education and support groups.

–    Founding member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (National Society for Research of the Medical Use of Cannabis).

–    Founding member of the “Haus um die Schenkung”, an international non-profit, tax-exempt organization to establish a center for cultural and economical collaboration (“Third Sector”) in Berlin, Germany ( ).

–    Founding member, Medical Center Cologne am Eduardus Krankenhaus at Custodistrasse 3-17 in 50679 Cologne, Germany (2006), Cairo, Egypt (2006) and Sachsen-

ring 83 in 50677 Cologne, Germany (2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2009), Istanbul, Turkey 2010) ( ).

–    Founding member of MultiCultiGambia, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and based in the Netherlands and the Gambia, which supports and makes available scholarships to high school students and students for higher education in the Gambia, West Africa (

–   Advisor to the Lebanese Government for the development of agricultural efforts to grow medicinal plants and develop medications (“phyto-engeneering”) in the Bekka, an economically depressed region of Lebanon.

–    Advisor to the Anti-Maffia Organization”Contro il Pizzo; Cambia i Consumi” in Siciliy, Italy (

–    Advisor to a consortium of universities in Egypt regarding clinical research with dendritic cells and stem cells in advanced HCV-associated liver cirrhosis.

 Invited / Honorary Speaker at National and International Symposia and Conferences on Academic Level

AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, “Therapeutic interventions in HIV Infection” Boston, June, 1986

  1. TUFS University, Boston, Massachusetts, Department of Family Medicine, “Transmission and Treatment of HIV Infection” October, 1986.
  2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, “Epidemiology and Treatment of HIV Infection and Opportunistic Infections” October, 1986.
  3. American Association of Anthroposophical Physicians: “Possibel Treatment Options from an Anthropoosphic Point of View: Viscum album as an Unique Immunomodulator with Antiviral Properties”,  New York, June, 1987.
  4. Kaiser Permanente, Oakland/Hayward, “Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS” August, 1987.
  5. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, October, 1987.
  6. Vth National Nicaragua Health Colloquium, “Epidemiology and Care of HIV/AIDS Patients” Managua, Nicaragua, November, 1987.
  7. Netherlands Government and WHO, Amsterdam: “Prophylaxis of Opporutnistic Infections in HIV Infection” December, 1987.
  8. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Boston, “Update on Current Epidemiologic Data and Treatment Options” May, 1988.
  9. IVth International AIDS Conference, “Transmission of HIV and Efficacy of Education in the Illegal Drugs-Using Population” Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1988.
  10. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine, June, 1988.
  11. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “New Data on Anti-HIV Activities of Viscum album” September, 1988.
  12. University of Amsterdam, Department of Medicine: “Management of HIV-Related Opportunistic Infections” Amtserdam, the Netherlands, September, 1988.
  13. San Francisco State University, November, 1988.
  14. Advanced Immune Discoveries Symposium, Los Angeles, February, 1989.
  15. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland, March, 1989.
  16. XXIth National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and VIIth National AIDS Forum, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  17. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, April, 1989.
  18. Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County, San Mateo, California, USA: “Management of Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in AIDS Patienrs,” April, 1989.
  19. NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, July, 1989.
  20. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  21. University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, October, 1989.
  22. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October, 1989.
  23. University of San Paulo, Brazil: “Update on Management of Toxoplasmosis in HIV Infection” October, 1989.
  24. Department of Public Health, San Paulo, Brazil, October, 1989.
  25. University of California, Fresno / Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals “Management of Pain and Anorxia & Cachexia in HIV/AIDS” Fresno, California, November 1989.
  26. Technical Review Meeting, Bethesda Maryland, December 1989.
  27. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: “New Therapy Modalities in the Oncologic Practice” and “Transmission and Epidemiology of HIV Infection,”April 1990.
  28. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1990.
  29. Department of Public Health San Paulo, Brazil, April 1990.
  30. University of California, Fresno/Central Valley Consortium of Hospitals,
    Fresno, California: “Early Management and Therapy of Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection” May 1990.
  31. VIth International AIDS Conference, San Francisco, California June 1990.
  32. Department of Public Health, San Luis Obispo, September, 1990.
  33. AIDS Grand Rounds, Department of Public Health, San Francisco, October, 1990.
  34. National anti-AIDS Committee of Spain, Madrid, Victoria, Bilbao, Zaragoza, November, 1990.
  35. University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, November, 1990.
  36. National Conference on AIDS, Zaragoza, Spain, November, 1990.
  37. University of Pavia, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  38. University of Milan, Italy: “Immunomodulation by Phytoproteins (Viscum album) in Cancer Patients” and “Dronabinol (THC) in the Management of  Cancer-Related Anorexia and Cachexia,” November, 1990.
  39. International Society for Oncology, Basel, Switzerland: “Update on Preclinical and Clinical Data on the Effects of Viscum album on TH1 Response of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Cancer and HIV/AIDS Patients” November, 1990.
  40. Free University of Berlin, Germany: “Treatment of Chronic Pain and Anorexia/Cachexia in HIV Infection,” November, 1990.
  41. University of Hamburg, Germany: “HIV Infection, Early Detection and Prevention of Opportunistic Infections,” November, 1990.
  42. California State University, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  43. University-wide AIDS Task Force, San Francisco, March, 1991.
  44. University of Götheburg, Sweden, March 1991.
  45. International Conference on AIDS Policies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April, 1991.
  46. University of Rome, Italy, June, 1991.
  47. Ministry of Public Health, Zwolle, the Netherlands, November 1991.
  48. University of Florence, Italy, November 1991.
  49. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Paterson, NJ, December 1991.
  50. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, December 1991.
  51. Cedar’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California, February 1992.
  52. St. Michael’s Hospital, Newark, New Jersey.  February 1992.
  53. Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, California.  Febuary 1992.
  54. IVth German Conference on AIDS, Wiesbaden, Germany, March 1992.
  55. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, June 1992.
  56. AIDS-Forum KIS, München, Germany, September 1992.
  57. University of Petersburg, Russia, January 1993.
  58. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe Berlin, Germany, January 1993.
  59. 3. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, February 1993.
  60. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Februar 1993.
  61. First Russian National Conference on AIDS, Petersburg, Russia, June 1993
  62. IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993.
  63. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, June 1993.
  64. Int. Conference on Neuroimmunology, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 1993
  65. University of Padua, Dept. of Pediatrics, Padua, Italy, Oct. 1993
  66. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-infected Individuals,
    München, Germany, Oct 1993
  67. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, Dec. 1993
  68. AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt, Universtät of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Jan. 1994
  69. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe/ NATC-Causus, Berlin, Feb. 1994
  70. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, May, 1994
  71. 4. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, June 1994
  72. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, Annual Conference for HIV-Infected Individuals, Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 1994
  73. Ludwig-Maximillian-Universität, München, Sept. 1994
  74. University of St. Petersburg Medical School, Russia, Oct. 1994
  75. National Conference on Biologic Defenses agaginst Cancer, “Clinical Efficacy of Viscum album, and ist components in Cancer Patients” Baden-Baden, Germany, Oct. 1994
  76. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 1995
  77. International Conference Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995
  78. University of Padua, Padua, Italy, June 1995
  79. University of Tomsk, Siberia, Russia, Sept. 1995
  80. Arbeitskreis AIDS/ Niedergelassene Aerzte Berlin, Germany, Oct. 1995
  81. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, Oct. 1995
  82. Conference on Clinical Application of Cannabis sativa in Cancer and AIDS, Berlin, Oct. 1995
  83. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  84. University Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  85. VII International Symposium, Caring for Survivors of Torture, Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 1995
  86. Medica, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1995
  87. AOK/ Stadt Esslingen, Germany, Dec. 1995
  88. University of Freiburg, Germany, Dec. 1995
  89. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996
  90. University of Hannover, Jan. 1996
  91. European Academy, Otzenhausen-Nonnweiler: “Viscum album in HIV infection: an update on current clinical trials”, Saarbrücken, Germany, Feb. 1996
  92. First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research Cannes, France, March 1996
  93. Naturheiltage Berlin, Apr. 1996
  94. University of Cape Town, South Africa: “ Viscum album as an example of anthroposophically-extended oncology”, August 22nd, 1996
  95. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Sept. 1996
  96. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  97. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 1996
  98. Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 1996
  99. University of Aachen, Germany, Jan. 1997
  100. San Francisco State University: Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine”, San Francisco, January 25th – February 2nd, 1997
  101. Biofach – International Conference on Hemp ’97: “Cannabis sativa and its applications in Medicine, Nutrition and other areas of daily life”, Frankfurt, Germany March 1997
  102. First Swiss Conference on Cannabis sativa: “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa L.”  Dornach, Switzerland, March 1997
  103. Third International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons living with HIV/AIDS: “Palliative Care of the Terminally-Ill AIDS Patient” Amsterdam, Netherlands May 1997
  104. International Symposium on the Cannabinoids; International Cannabinoid
    Research Society, Atlanta, June 1997
  105. 6. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, July 1997
  106. 31st National Medical conference Baden-Baden, Germany November 1997
  107. Medica Düsseldorf, Germany November 1997
  108. National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  109. Ein Shams University of Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1997
  110. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 1997
  111. Facharztkolloquium Gynaekologie University of Rostock, Germany, Jan. 1998
  112. 9. Deutscher Schmerztag, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1998
  113. Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein / Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung, Bad Segeberg, Germany, March 1998
  114. American-Italian Cancer Foundation, “Update Phase-III Studies with Viscum album in HIV/AIDS Patients” Roncegno, Italy, April 1998
  115. University of Utrecht and Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam: “Cannabis als Geneesmiddel” (“Medical use of Cannabis”), Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 1998
  116. “Academical Medicine and Complementary Medicine in Oncology”, German Society for Oncology, Usedom, Germany, May 1998
  117. Body-Mind Center, “Anthroposophical Medicine and the Clinical Efficacy of Iscador in Cancer Patients” Washington DC, USA, June 1998
  118. 12th World AIDS Conference, “Viscum album in HIV Infection: an update on two Phase-III trials” Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
  119. Deutsche AIDS Hilfe, Berlin, Germany, August 1998
  120. 8th National Workshop DAGNÄ, Cologne Germany, September 1998
  121. Gyllenbergs Stiftelse / Gyllenberg Foundation, “Viscum album in the Oncological Practice: an Update on Current Clinical Studies” Helsinki, Finnland, Oct. 1998
  122. International Congress on Medical Marijuana, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Frank-furt, Germany, December 1998
  123. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin, Köln, Germany, December 1998
  124. Association pour la Recherche et l’Etude de la Médecine Anthroposophique, Paris, France, February 1999
  125. University of Tiflis, current research of Viscum album in Oncology, Georgia, March 1999
  126. 9th International Conference on Biological Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Heidelberg, Germany, May 1999
  127. University of Jena, the Medical use of Cannabis in pain, Germany, May 1999
  128. 7th German AIDS Congress: “Use of Viscum album and Complementary Medicine and the combination with HAART in HIV infection, Essen, Germany, June 1999
  129. Body-Mind Center: “Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer Patients”, Washington DC, June 1999
  130. AAAS, Pacific Division, San Francisco, June 1999
  131. Artemisia: “Anthroposophical Medicine and its Advances in Clinical Research: an Update”, Baltimore, June 1999
  132. Drug Information Association (DIA), as the representative of the Dutch government: “The Dutch model of Soft Drugs as Recreational Drugs and the Prevention of Consumption of Hard Drugs”, Washington DC, June/July 1999
  133. Joint British and German Pharmacological Societies Meeting, “Medical uses of Cannabis sativa”, Nottingham, Great Britain, July 1999
  134. South-African Complementary Medicine Association (SACMA): “Clical trials with Viscum album in HIV infection”, Cape Town, South-Africa, August 1999.
  135. 9th German Workshop DAGNÄ, “Current treatment of HIV infection with HAART and Viscum album”, Cologne, Germany, Sept. 1999
  136. Annual Meeting of the “Verein für Farbmeridiantherapie nach Christal Heidemann”, Presentation of results of a phase I/II study in Farbmeridiantherapy in asthma, hypertension and migraine patients, Badenweiler, Germany, October 25  – 26, 1999.
  137. Norwegian Society for Oncological Research, “Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer”, Oslo, November 1999.
  138. Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr, „Medizinische Anwendungen von Cannabis“, Celle, Germany, May, 2000.
  139. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Current Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  140. Drug Information Association (DIA), “Medical Use of Cannabis sativa, and the Drug Policies of the Dutch Government”, 36th annual meeting, San Diego, USA, June 2000.
  141. International Cannabinoids Research Society (ICRS), annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2000.
  142. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Threefoldness and the Understanding of Illness and Development in Childhood. August 25th -28th, 2000.
  143. Belgian (Flemish) Parliament, questioned as an Expert Witness during the Public Hearing on the Medical Use of Cannabis, Brussels, Belgium, September 15th, 2000.
  144. EXPO 2000, Medical Use of Cannabis, Presentation and Chair of an all-day podium discussion on current clinical research with Cannabinoids, Wolfsburg, Germany, September, 2000.
  145. University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital, Overview of Recent Research with Viscum album in HIV and HCV Infection of own research group and that of others, Stellenbosch, South-Africa, September, 2000.
  146. Charles University, Center for Theoretical Studies, Prague: Limits of Scientific Knowledge; Theory of Knowledge, erkenntnistheoretische Ansaetze in der klinischen Forschung, Prague, Czech Republic, November 17th-19th, 2000.
  147. Terza Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi con la Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, Chair and Lecturer “Medical use of Cannabis”, Genova, Italy, November 28th–30th, 2000.
  148. University of Milan, Department of Medicine: “Interaction between Nutrition and Immune Function; the Importance of Trace Elements and Vitamines for Immune Function”, Milan, Italy, February 2nd-4th, 2001.
  149. University of St Petersburg, Department of Family Practice: Patient presentations in oncology in the general medical practice: a practical seminar on diagnostics and current treatment options. St Petersburg, Russia, May 29th –June 8th, 2001.
  150. University of Milan, Deparment of Medicine: HIV infection and addiction: prevention and therapy. Milan, Italy, June 22nd-24th, 2001.
  151. Technikon Johannesburg: Immune responses in the microcirculation after immunomodulation with glycoproteins of Viscum album. Johannesburg, South Africa, July 13th & 20th, 2001.
  152. Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy: Anthroposophical pharmacology and immunomodulation by mistletoe glycoproteins (ML-I-IV) and viscotoxins, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26th, 2001.
  153. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Medicine: Practical (bedside) teaching seminar on physical exam, diagnosis and therapy for senior medical students and residents. Tygerberg Hospital, Belville, South Africa, August 3rd, 2001.
  154. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics : Sense perception and physiology of the sense organs, in connection with child development. Verona, Italy, August 27th-30th, 2001.
  155. Annual Conference of Family Practitioners : The Human Biography and the Individual development. St Petersburg, September 28th – October 2nd, 2001.
  156. International Society for Oncological and Immunological Research : Two-day seminar on the social aspects of money : « Denaro : Quello che Avreste sempre voluto sapere » Milan, October 5th – 7th, 2001.
  157. Second Natinal Annual Conference AKODH : Quality Assurance in Documentation of Care of Oncological Patients in the Private Practice Setting. Berlin, October 13th – 14th, 2001.
  158. Chair of a seminar on Oncology & Immunology, and the use of dendritic cells, thymus peptides, Selenium and other trace elements: a three-day seminar at the University of St Petersburg, Russia, October 21st – 23rd, 2001.
  159. Lecturing at the Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg, School of Pharmacy, and the Technikon, from November 19th through December 18th, 2001. Main subjects were Oncology and Immunology.
  160. Lecture on clinical results of dendritic cell therapy in 498 advanced cancer patients with solid tumors at the Free University of Amsterdam, January 14th, 2002.
  161. Lecture tour on HIV infection (clinical and epidemiological updates) in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa, from April 9th through April 23rd, 2002.
  162. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : Medical Use of Cannabis in Oncology. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  163. 11. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Society for Biological Cancer Defense) : New Developments in the Clinical Application of Dendritic Cell Vaccination. Heidelberg, Germany, May 3rd-5th, 2002.
  164. Seminar on Mental Illness & Health from an Anthroposophical Medical Prospective. Pavlov Medical Institute and Post Graduate Training (MAPS). May 29th through June 3rd, 2002, St Petersburg, Russia.
  165. Regulation and Promotion of Botanicals (Herbal Drugs) in Alternative Systems of Medicine at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Drug & Information Association (DIA), Chigaco, USA, June 16th through 21st, 2002.
  166. University of Verona, Department of Paedagogics: Seminar on Education and Problem Oriented and Problem Solving Teaching Skills. Verona, Italy, August 29th – September 2nd, 2002.
  167. University of Palma, Mallorca : Seminar on the medical us of Cannabis sativa L. in the oncological practice. Palma, Mallorca, Spain, September 4th, 2002.
  168. Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft 100. Jahrestagung : « Wirksamkeit und Bedenklichkeit von Phytopharmaka » Titel : « Praktische Anwendungen von Cannabis und Cannabinoiden » / German Society of Pharmacology 100th Annual Meeting : « Efficacy and Toxicity of Botanicals » Titel : « Pratical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids » Berlin, Germany, October 10th -12th, 2002.
  169. Arbeitsgruppe Pharmazie Dortmund und Skt Johannes Krankenhaus: « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS Infektion » Dortmund, 5. November 2002 / Colloquium Pharmaceutical Society Dortmund and St John’s Hospital : « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology and HIV/AIDS Infection », Dortmund, November 5th, 2002.
  170. Ärtzekammer Rheinland/Westfalen Köln : « Medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa in der Onkologie, HIV-Infektion und Schmerz » Köln, 6. November 2002 / Medical Society Rheinland/Westfalen in Cologne, Germany « Medical applications of Cannabis sativa in Oncology, HIV Infection and pain » Cologne, November 6th, 2002.
  171. Universität Munster und Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft : « Medizinische Anwendung von Dronabinol (Cannabis) in der Onkologie, Neurologie und Schmerzbehandlung » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002 / University Münster and German Multiple Sclerosis Society : « Medical applaications of Dronabinol (Cannabis) in Oncology, Neurology and Chronic Pain » Osnabrück, 20. November 2002.
  172. Rudolf Steiner College : « New on-line methods for post-graduate training of teachers and health care professionals ». Sacramento, California, USA, February 6th, 2003.
  173. Academy of Post-Graduate Training : « Psychoneuroimmunology : the Importance of Love and Forgiving in a human biography » Milan, Italy, February 23rd-24th, 2003.
  174. University of Cape Town, Tygerberg Hospital : « The Human Biography and its Various Developmental Stages » Cape Town, South Africa, March 21st & 22nd, 2003.
  175. Onko-Treff / University of Hamburg : « Die medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis sativa und Cannabinoide in der onkologischen Praxis » / « Use of Cannabis sativa and Cannabinoids in the oncological practice ». March 26th, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
  176. 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie Consensus Treffen : « Dronabinol in der Onkologie und HIV/AIDS » / « Dronabinol in the treatment of oncological patients and in HIV/AIDS ». May 9th, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany.
  177. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): « Correlation between clinical response and expression of CD1a+, CD80+, CD11c+ and HLA-DR+ by monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients ». Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  178. Ärtzekammer Münster / Akademie für Ärtzliche Fortbildung : « Von der Droge zum Arzneimittel-Cannabis in der Medizin » / Medical Society Münster : « From Illegal Drug to Medication- Medical Use of Cannabis »  Münster, Germany, June 18th, 2003.
  179. San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Treatment : the Cologne Model » San Francisco, September 9th, 2003.
  180. Symposium: Nieuwe Wegen in de Strijd tegen Kanker / « New ways in current cancer therapy » Scherpenzeel, the Netherlands, October 4th, 2003.
  181. University of the Western Cape & University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa: « The Development of Thinking over the Last 2,500 years in relation to Medical Paradigms » Cape Town, October 12th, 2003.
  182. University of Padua (in collaboration with the City of Padua) ; « The role of fever and childhood diseases in the development of the immune system of the child » Padua, Italy, November 7th-9th, 2003.
  183. University of Athens, guest speaker: « the Cologne Modell : a new and innovative approach in cancer therapy » December 5th & 6th, 2003, Athens, Greece.
  184. San Francisco State University, public lecture: « Fever-Range Total-Body Hyperthermia in the Battle against Cancer », San Francisco, USA, February 3rd, 2004.
  185. St Petersburg Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Training Program: « The Cologne Model : new approaches in the oncological practice », St Petersburg, Russia, March 12th through 15th, 2004.
  186. City and University of Padua: « Latest Developments in the the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient with Autologic Dendritic Cells and other Immune Therapies », Padua, Italy, March 18th – 19th, 2004.
  187. National Teachers Association Italy in collaboration with the University of Anthroposophic Studies: « Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields and Radiation on the Development of the Immune System, and Immunologic Disorders, including Cancer » (« Tecnologia e Mondo Virtuale »), Milan, Italy, March 25th – 26th, 2004.
  188. Scuola di Luca in collaboration with San Francisco State University, College of Extended Learning : « Therapeutic Effects of Etching in the Treatment of Addictive & Compulsive Behavior Disorders » Urbino, Italy, April 9th -12th, 2004.
  189. The Kadota Fund International Forum 2004 : Applications of thermal stress for the improvement of health – Concensus and Proposals- Speaker and Chair of a half-day plenary session and podium discussion : « Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic cells in Cancer Patients » Awaji Yumebutai International Conference / Japan Health Foundation Kadota Fund & Hyogo International Association, June 14th – June 18th, 2004.
  190. University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery : Seminar on the Introduction and Application of Autologous Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in Primary Brain Tumors (co-speaker Dr. Thomas Nesselhut, Göttingen). July 9th, 2004, University of Antwerp, Department of Neuro Surgery, Antwerp, Belgium.
  191. San Francisco Medical Society in collaboration with San Francisco State University : « New Frontiers in Cancer Research : autologous dendritic cells and New Castle Disease Virus as a promising oncolytic virus. »  Lecture, September 13th, 2004, San Francisco State University.
  192. University of Istanbul, Faculty of Medicine. “Novel Therapeutic Interventions in Cancer Therapy: Autologous Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus” Istanbul, Turkey, September 26th, 2004.
  193. Ciyt and County of Florence, Italy: “L’impatto della tecnologia e del mondo virtuale sull’equilibro interiore e sulla salute mentale” September 15th, 2004.
  194. National Irish CSF/ME Trust: « Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS and ME in the Cologne Modell: Update of Clinical Data and Research » Dublin, Ireland, November 18th – 21st, 2004.
  195. Dutch National Society for Integrative Medicine (ABNG-2:000) “Novel Anti-Cancer therapies: Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cells and New Castle Disease Virus” Ellecom, the Netherlands, November 26th, 2004.
  196. City and County of Florence in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Florence, Department of Pediatrcs (Professor dr Roberto Salti), Italy: “Fattori ambientali, esposizione televisiva, anticipo della maturazione sessuale & Crescita fisica, psicologica, spirituale del bambino nella Scuola Waldorf” December 18th, 2004.
  197. Jan van Bremen Instituut (National Center for Rehabilitaion Psychology and Education), Amsterdam: “Fibromyalgia; causes, diagnosis and therapy” January 20th, 2005. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  198. San Francisco State University, as part of the serie “Establishing Excellence:” “Cancer as an Immunologic Illness: a Shift in Paradigms”. February 14th, 2005. San Francisco, USA.
  199. Cerranpasha University Medical School, Department of Medical Oncology: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in Patients with Solid Tumors.” April 4th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  200. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Medical use of Cannabis” April 18th, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
  201. University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination and Immune Restoration in Cancer Patients” April 19th, 2005. Cape Town, South Africa.
  202. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Yemen, Sana’a; April 30th through May 7th, 2005. Advisor to the Minister of Health to improve primary care services in Yemen and establish a formal Family Practice Program at the Medical School in Sana’a, and other universities.
  203. Ärtzekammer (Medical Society) Wuppertal und Municipal Police: “Recreational Use of Cannabis and Potential Psychologic and Sociologic Damage in the Adolescent” Wuppertal, Germany, May 24th, 2005.
  204. Workshop Duderstadt-Göttingen: “Improvements in Immunotherapy in Regard to the Oncologic Patient” June 4th, University Göttingen, 2005.
  205. San Francisco State University: “Cancer therapies: Quo Vadis?” San Francisco, California, USA. September 13th, 2005.
  206. Public lecture: “Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia and New Castle Disease Virus as New Options for the Treatment of the Oncologic Patient” National Foundation Against Cancer, Zutphen, the Netherlands. September 28th, 2005.
  207. Dutch National Foundation for Cancer Rsearch; Public Lecture for Primary Care Health Providers: “Psychologic Support of Cancer Patients and Update on Latest Studies in Psychoneuroimmunology” Heerhugowaard, the Netherlands, October 8th, 2005.
  208. City and County of Bologna: “Three-Fold Social Order in Relationship to Management of Schools and Educational Institutions”, Bologna, Italy, November 19th, 2005.
  209. University of Utrecht: “New Frontiers and Shifts in Paradigms in Scientific Research” Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 8th, 2005.
  210. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Autologous, Monocyte-Derived Dendritic cells in the Oncologic Patient: an Update” Istanbul, Turkey, January 31st, 2006.
  211. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “New Look on Oncolytic Viruses as New Castle Disease Virus, Tanga- and Parvoviruses,” Istanbul, Turkey, February 1st, 2006.
  212. Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Siciliano / City of Palermo: “La Biographia Umana nei Primi ter Settenni” (Development of the Child in its First Three Septennuals, and its Effects on Later Life) March 17 & 18th, 2006, Palermo, Italy.
  213. University of Stellenbosch & Anthroposophic Society Western Cape: “The Immune System: understanding AIDS and opportunistic infections like TB, and HIV-related malignancies” April 2nd through 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  214. Medical Society & Department of Psychology, University of the Western Cape & Anthroposophical Society Western Cape: “Human Rights, Civil Society, and Threefold Social Order” April 2nd and April 9th, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa.
  215. University of the Western Cape: “the Medical Use of Cannabis and its derivitives” in HIV/AIDS, Oncology and Pain” Cape Town, South Africa, April 4th & 5th, 2006.
  216. Cerranpasha University of Istanbul, Medical School, Turkey: “Update on new Developments on Clinical Studies with Dendritic Cells and Activated NK cells”, Istanbul, April 28th, 2006.
  217. American Association for Clinical Oncology (ASCO); oral presentation: “ Successful autologous stem cell application for tissue repair after complete remission of grade IV astrocytoma with seven autologous dendrititc cell vaccinations.” Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5th, 2006.
  218. San Francisco State University in collaboration with the International Society for Oncologic and Immunologic Research: “Highlights of the ASCO Conference  (American Society for Clinical Oncology) in Atlanta, May 6th – 10th, 2006: Advances in Immune Therapy with Dendritic Cells and other Potent Immunogenic Cells in the Cancer Defense Mechanism” San Francisco, USA, May 11th, 2006.
  219. Cells for Life Foundation, Egyptian Chapter: ”New Developments in the Application of autologous Dendritic Cells and Stem Cells” Cairo, August 27th, 2006.
  220. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of  Autologous Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, October 15th, 2006.
  221. Biofeedback Society of California (32nd Annual Conference): “Evidence-Based Mind/Body Medicine: Circadian Rhythms in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Individuals as Surrogate Marker for Prognosis and Outcome” San Francisco, November 3rd through 5th, 2006.
  222. University of Alexandria Medical School: “Clinical Application of Adult Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine and Dendritic Cells in the Oncological Patient”, Alexandria, Egypt, November 20th, 2006.
  223. American Society for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38th Annual Conference, Monterey, California, USA: keynote speaker: “New Perspectives: Etiooogy and Treatment of Cancer” February 16th, 2007.
  224. San Francisco State University: “New Frontiers in the Application of Dendritic Cells and Adult stem Cells” San Francisco, California, USA, February 19th, 2007.
  225. 11th Annual BFE Meeting, University of Applied Sciences (Technische Fachhochschule): New Frontiers in Oncology: Hyperthermia and Circadian Rhythms of Core Body Temperature as a Surrogate Marker for Outcome of Clinical Interventions, Berlin, Germany, March 1st, 2007.
  226. 2nd International Workshop in Biotechnology under the Framework of the German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology and the Pharos University in Alexandria: “New Frontiers in Clinical Applications of Adult Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells” Alexandria, Egypt, March 14th, 2007.
  227. 12th Annual Conference of the European BioFeedBack Foundation & University of Salzburg: “Circadian Rhythmy in Core Body Temperature in Cancer Patients and Healthy Volunteers, and its Prognostic Value in Cancer Treatment” Salzburg, Austria, February 20th, 2008.
  228. University of Alexandria, Key Note Speaker: “Applied Cell Therapy: Dendritic Cells in the Oncologic Patient and Adult Stem Cells in Tissue Repair” Alexandria, Egypt, June 14th, 2008. (lecture was not delivered due to sudden changes in program and missed air plane connections).
  229. San Francisco State University: “Non-Toxic Treatments like Dendritic Cell Vaccinations and Hyperthermia in the Oncologic Practice” November 3rd, 2008 San Francisco, California, USA.
  230. State University of Bologna, Italy, Depertment of Medicine, after the annual congress of the International Society of Immune Therapy in Oncology, Orlando, Florida, October 2008: “Dendritic cell vaccinations in the oncologic patient: an update.” Bologna, Italy, December 18th, 2008.
  231. San Francisco Sate University in collaboration with the Medical Society San Francisco, California: Adult Stem Cell Application in Chronic Degenerative Disease” March 19th, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.
  232. Medical Section at the Goetheranum Hochschule in Dornach (Basel), Switzerland; Annual International Medical Conference: “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Cancer and Chronic HCV Infection” Dornach (Basel), Switzerland, September 18th and 19th, 2009.
  233. University of Tanta, Egypt, Invited Lecturer: “Dendritic Cell Vaccination in the Oncologiy Patient” Tanta, Egypt, December 10th, 2009.
  234. Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt, key note speaker at conference on Stem Cells: “Clinical Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Disease: Morbus Parkinson and HCV-Associated Severe Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, December 12th, 2009.
  235. Egyptian Society for Progenitor Cell Research (ESPCR) Second International Congress of Progenitor Cell Research, Cairo, Key Note Speaker: “Stem Cell Types: an Introduction in respect to ethical considerations” and “Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells in End-Stage HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Cairo, Egypt, June 12th and 13th, 2010.
  236. Lecture series on “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Glioblastoma multiforme stage IV and other High Grade Gliomas” and “Dendritic Cell Vaccinations in Advanced HCV-Associated Liver Cirrhosis in Combination with Adult Stem Cells”, University of Zigazic, Egypt, July, August and September 2010.
  237. “Update on the Clinical Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with Advanced HCV-associated Liver Cirrhosis” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, Moscow; October 14th, 2010.
  238. “The Gorter Model: an Innovative Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer with dendritic Cells in Combination with Hyperthermia” Anthroposophical Medical Association of Russia, St Petersburg, October 15th, 2010.
  239. “Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment” by Gaia Medicine, The Kadota Fund International Forum 2011, and the University of Kyoto, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, February 12th, 2011.
  240. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Rajev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 8th, 2012.
  241. “the Gorter Model: a Non-Toxic Treatment in Cancer” Delhi State Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India, May 9th, 2012.
  242. “Possible Efficacy of Dendritic Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors” National Institute of Pathology, Delhi, September 24th, 2012.
  243. “The Use of Dendritic Cells in Combination with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients with End-Stage Hepatitis C Associated Liver Cirrhosis” Delhi State CXancer Institute and Hospital, Delhi, India September 27th, 2012.
  244. “The Application of Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neurological Damage and Childhood Autism and Dendritic Cells in recurrent Glioblastome miltiforme stage IV” at the Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences; Delhi, India, December 22nd, 2012.
  245. With MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, USA, a joint Symposium on Dendritic Cell Application in Solid Tumors in Combination with various forms of Hyperthermia” at the Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi, India, December 22nd,


247.       Appilcation of Dendritic cells in Solid Tumors” at the MAX Hospital Saket, New Delhi, India, December 26th, 2012.

248.       “Application of Dendritic Cells in Solid Tumors: a Novel Approach in Cancer Reseach and Therapy” at the PIMS Punjab organized by the Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, December 30th, 2012.

249.       “Promising New Non-Toxic Therapies in Current Oncology: Practical Examples and Clinical Outcome” at Seminar at Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) Delhi, India, and in Collaboration with MD Anderson Medical Center Houston, TX, USA. March 7th and 8th, 2013.

250.       “In recurrent Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV 46% complete remission with Dendritic cells Vaccinations in Combination with Local Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+); an Observational Study” at Guru Ram Das Medical Center, Amritsar, Punjab, India, July 8th, 2013. 



Robert Gorter, MD, PhD and Erik Peper, PhD: “Fighting Cancer” a Non-Toxic Approach in Cancer Therapy, Publ: North Atlantic, Berkeley, California USA. April 2011. (is being translated and published in 16 other languages).

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: “Ik heb kanker: wat nu?” -nieuwe niet-toxische therapieen- Publ: Ankh-Hermes, Utrecht, Netherlands, September 2011. ISBN: 978902020553.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Erik Peper, PhD: “Kanseri nasil Yenerim” –Tedaviye Gertirilen Toksik Olmayan Bir Yaklasim Nobel Ödüllü Yeni Yöntem- Publ: Anadolu, Turkey, January 2012. Siparis No: A5080.

Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, Erik Peper, PhD: Ich habe Krebs: was nun?”  -Ein Ratgeber zu nicht-toxischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten- Publ: Anadolu, Germany, April 2012. ISBN: 978161215073.

Original Articles

1.           Gorter R., “Een visie vanuit de antroposofie op ‘slecht slapen’ (Insomnia from an Anthroposophic Point of View)”, Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en Andere Psychotrope Stoffen, The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, the Hague, t.alc.drugs (8) 4, 1982

2.           Abrams D., Kuno S., Wong R., Jeffords K., Nash M., Molaghan J., Gorter R., Ueno R., Oral dextran sulfate (UA001) in the treatment of the acquired im­mu­nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex. Ann Intern Med 110:3, 1989

3.           Hersh EM., Brewton G., Abrams D., Bartlett J., Gorter R., et al. Ditiocarb Sodium (Diethyldithiocarbamate) Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic HIV infection and AIDS. JAMA 265 (12):1538-1544, 1991

4.           Gorter RW., Management of anorexia-cachexia associated with cancer and HIV infection. Oncology 5(9):13-17, 1991

5.           Plasse TF., Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, et al. Recent clinical experience with dronabinol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav; 40. 695-700, 1991

6.           Gorter RW., Seefried M., Volberding P., Dronabinol effects on weight in
patients with HIV infection. AIDS 6:127-128, 1992

7.           Slome L., Moulton J., Gorter R., Abrams D., Physicians’ attitudes toward
assisted suicide in AIDS. AIDS 5:712-718, 1992

8.           Gorter R., Vranizan K., Osmond D., Moss AR. Differences in laboratory
values in HIV infection by sex, race and risk group. AIDS 6:1341-1347, 1992

9.           Moss AR., Vranizan K., Gorter R., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., HIV seroconversion in intravenous drug users in San Francisco, 1985 – 1990, AIDS 8: 223-231, 1994

10.         Zolopa AR.; Hahn A.; Gorter R.; Miranda J.; Wlodarczyk D.; Moss AR., HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in San Francisco’s Homeless Adults. JAMA; 272: 455-461, 1994

  1. Mainka C., Wolff MH., Gorter R.; Vergleichende Untersuchung zum Nachweis von HIV-1-p24-Antigen mittels Enzymimmunoassay mit und ohne Immunkomplex-Dissoziation in Seren HIV-positiver Probanden. (Comperative examination to determine HIV-1-p24-antigen by means of enzyme immunoassay, with and without dissociation of antigen-antibody complex in sera of HIV-positive test subjects). Lab med 18: 508-511, 1994
  1. Gorter R., Stein J., Stoss M., Linder M.; Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador® QuFrF und Iscador® Qu Spezial mit HIV-Positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nichtrauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed 3: 169-175, 1996
  1. M. Stoss, E. Peter, M. Schnelle, M. Werner, R.W. Gorter, Viscum album QuFrF in HIV-positives and AIDS patients. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva , Switzerland, 1998.


  1. Gorter, R.W., Stoss M., Wollina W., Subcutaneous infiltrates induced by injection of mistletoe extracts (Iscador). Am. J. Therapeutics, 5; 181 – 187, 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Gorter R.W., No evidence of IFN-y increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Natural Immunity; 16; 157-164. 1998.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R. W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes four and nine hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L. extract in healthy volunteers. Nat Immun 16 (5-6): 185-197, 1998.
  1. van Wely, M., Stoss M., Gorter R.W., Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals, Am. J. Therapeutics; 6 (1): 37 – 43, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., van Wely M., Musielsky H., Gorter R.W., Study on Local Inflammatory Reactions and other Parameters during Subcutaneous Mistletoe Application in HIV-positive Patients and HIV-negative Subjects over a Period of 18 Weeks. Arzneim. Forsch./Drug Res. 49 (I), Nr. 4, 366 – 373, 1999.
  1. Stoss M., Peter E., Gorter R.W., Decrease of activated lymphocytes 4 hours respective 9 hours after a subcutaneous injection of a Viscum album L.-extract in healthy volunteers. Natural Immunity 1998; 16:185-197.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, Madelon van Wely MS, Marcus Reif, PhD, Matthias Stoss, MD.: Tolerability of a Standardized, Non-Fermented Aqueous Viscum album L. Extract in Immunocompromised and Healthy Individuals: Alternative Therapies 1999; Vol. 5, Nr. 6, 37-48.
  1. R. W. Gorter, Cancer Cachexia and Cannabinoids; Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 21-22.
  1. M. Schnelle, F. Grotenhermen, M. Reif, R. W. Gorter; Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Umfrage zur medizinischen Verwendung von Cannabis-produkten im deutschen Sprachraum. Forsch Komplementärmed 1999; 6: 28-36.
  1. W. Stuecker, AS Bihari, RW Gorter; Ozontherapie zur Immunmodulation bei HIV-Infektion. AKODH 2000; 6: 74-82 (ISSN 1435-0327).
  1. Stoss M., Michels M., Peter E., Beutke R., Gorter RW; Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000 Dec; 6(6): 499-508.
  1. Killestein J, Hoogervorst ELJ, Reif M, Lalkers NF, van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaag BMJ, Polman CH: Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in MS. Neurology 2002;58:1404-1407.
  1. Gorter RW, Joller P, Stoss M: Cytokine Release of a Keratinocyte Model after Incubation with two different Viscum album L. Extracts. Am J Ther 2003; 10:40-47.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Mario Butorac, Eloy Pulido Cobian, Ulrich Meyer: Anwendungsbeobachtung WALA Euphrasia Augentropfen. Der Merkurstab 2004;57 (2): 135-138.
  1. R.W. Gorter: Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Tetrahydrocannbinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom. Der Schmerz 2004; Vol 18;suppl 2: 31-33.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Examination of the Cutaneous Absorption of Copper After the Use of Copper-Containing Ointments. American Journal of Therapeutics: 11(6): 453-458, November/December 2004.
  1. Gorter, Robert W., Butorac, Mario, Cobian, Eloy Pulido: Cutaneous Resorption of Lead After External Use of Lead-Containing Ointments in Volunteers with Healthy Skin. American Journal of Therapeutics 12(1): 17-21, January/February 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD; Mario Butorac, MA; Eloy Pulido, MD; Willem van der Sluis, PhD: Medical use of Cannabis in the Netherlands. Neurology: Mar 8, 2005;64 (5): 917-919.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Daniela Hudi, Eva-Maria Turnwald, Montassar Cherif: “Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine” Jana Council for Scientific Development (JCSD) and the Kadota Fund International Forum 2011 Kyoto, Japan. February 12th – 14th, 2011; Abstract Book:16-17 

Book Chapters

1.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Knowledge Base (computer data base). Philip T.
Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

2.           Gorter R., Transmission of HIV in Intravenous Drug Users. In the AIDS Knowledge Base. Philip T. Cohen, Merle A. Sande, Paul Volberding, eds. Waltham, MA:  Massachusetts Medical Society, 1991.

  1. Gorter R., Cannabis: Schmerztherapie (noch) in der Illegalität. In Schmerz Praxis Ratgeber/ZDF Gesundheitsmagazin. J. Apfelbach (Hrsg.) Einhorn
    Presse Verlag 1996. ISBN 3-88756-800-1.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert Gorter, Mehr Lebensqualität für Patienten in ultimativen Situationen. In: 1. Colloquium Dronabinol-Therapie 2003. Delta-9-Pharma. 

Overview Articles 

  1. Gorter RW., Consciousness of the Newborn, Intermediair, Elsevier/Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1974.
  1. Gorter RW., Bos TW. Acupuncture – a real treatment for addicts? The Royal General Foundation for the Treatment of Abuse in Alcohol and Drugs, The Hague, 1977.
  1. Gorter RW., Violations of human rights:  torture and the medical profession. Medisch Contact, The Royal Dutch Medical Association, Utrecht, June, 1978.
  1. Robert Gorter., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia in Advanced HIV Disease. Clinical Notes, PAACNOTES , volume 3, number 5, 1991.
  1. Gorter RW., Experience with viscum album (Iscador) and Marihuana (Dronabinol) in: AIDS, eine Krankheit wird behandelbar; Materialien zur HIV-Erkrankung im 2. Jahrzehnt, Ecomed, Band III, p 167 – 171, 1993
  1. Gorter RW., Medikamentöse Beeinflußung von Stoffwechsel und Appetit, in: HIV-Medizin: Möglichkeiten der individualisierten Therapie. Wissenschaft-liche Ergebnisse in der mitte der 90er Jahre. Jäger (Hrsg.), Ecomed, Band IV, p. 233 – 238, 1994


  1. Robert Gorter; I Dodici Sensi Dell’Homo, febbraio 1995, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW., Management of Anorexia-Cachexia Associated With Cancer and HIV-Infection, International Conference on Bioresource Hemp, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1995, Proceedings Vol. I
  1. Gorter RW., el Arif N, Stoss M: Anthroposophische Medizin. In:
    Wolfstädter HD; Unkonventionelle Medizin bei HIV und AIDS. Hrsg.
    Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Berlin, 1995.
  1. Robert Gorter, La Biografia Umana. Settembre 1996, Assoziatione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clevicetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Baumann E, Mandera R, Schnelle M, Zeh K, Stoss M, Gorter RW; Cannabis als Heilpflanze. Der Merkurstab, 1997, 50 (2), p. 94 – 103.
  1. Grotenhermen F, Gorter RW: Cannabis und Psychosen. Der Merkurstab, (4) 231 – 237, 1997
  1. Gorter, RW, Stoss M., Moderne Misteltherapie, Privatärztliche Praxis, 02 (4); p. 186 – 188,1997.
  1. Gorter, Robert W, Cannabis bei Anorexie und Kachexie von Krebs- und AIDS-Patienten In: Cannabis und Cannabinoide als Medizin, ISBN 3-9805840-4-6, 1997


  1. Robert Gorter; La Biografia Umana Parte I & II, settembre 1997/novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia
  1. Gorter RW, Cannabis und chronische Schmerzen. In: Abstractband Der
    Deutsche Schmerztag 1998; 9. Deutscher interdisziplinärer Schmerzkongreß. p.26 – 28, Frankfurt am Main 4. – 8. März 1998.
  1. Gorter RW, Stoss M; Immunmodulation und Krebstherapie. Moderne Mistel­therapie. Privatärztliche Praxis 1998, 2(6), p. 186 – 188
  1. Stoss M, Gorter RW; Moderne Misteltherapie in der Onkologie. Pharmazeu-tische Rundschau. 1998, 8, p. 32-34
  1. Stoss M, Robert W. Gorter; Die Iscador-Therapie in der Onkologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für GanzheitsMedizin, Jg. 11, Heft 2, März 1999, p 91-95.
  1. Robert Gorter, I Sacrifici del Cristo, il Loro Significato per l’Evoluzione Umana e la Loro Ricapitolazione nel Perdono. Novembre 1998, Associazione Amici della Scuola Steineriana, via Clericetti 45, Milano, Italia.
  1. Gorter R. Karnow G, Stoss M; Anthroposophical Medicine-Comprehensive Cancer Care. Center for Mind-Body Medicine, transcripts II, June 12th, 1999, Washington DC, USA
  1. Wilfried Stücker, Robert W. Gorter, Dagmar Marx; Dendritische Zellen in der Tumortherapie. Naturheilpraxis Jg.56, Heft 3: 408-411, März 2003.
  1. Robert Gorter, Erfahrungen mit Dronabinol (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) bei onkologischen Patienten mit Anorexie-Kachexie-Syndrom in Der Schmerz (Dezember 2004) 18(suppl.2); S31-S33. Springer Verlag.
  1. Robert W. Gorter: O cancro e uma doenca do Sistema Imunitario in Noticias Medicas Nr. 3001, September 10th, 2008. (O Jornal da Medicina Portuguesa).


  1. Brodie B., Gorter R., Chaisson RE., Moss AR., Volberding PA.,  Clinical care of IV drug users (IVDUs) with HIV infection. Program & Abstracts IVth International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, 1988, Stockholm, Sweden, #8509.
  1. Kocurek D., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., Moss A.,  HIV seropositivity in IVDU Vietnam combat veterans. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal A525, page 165, June, 1989.
  1. Moss A., Bacchetti P., Osmond D., Meakin R., Keffelew A., Gorter R., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drugs users in San Francisco.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Th. A. P. 102, page 157, June,1989.
  1. Gorter R., Kocurek K., Brodie B., Bacchetti P., Ross E., Moss A., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. Vth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, T.A.O. 11 page 56, June, 1989.
  1. Vranizan K., Gorter R., Osmond D., et al.,  Laboratory markers for HIV in intravenous drugusers in San Francisco: Race and sex differences. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990 F.C. 554 Abstract Book Vol. II p. 219.
  1. Moss A., Vranizan K., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al., Seroconversion for HIV in intravenous drug users in treatment, San Francisco 1985-1990.  VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 553 Abstract Book Vol II p. 219.
  1. Keffelew A., Clark G., Bacchetti P., Gorter R., et al.,  Use of needle exhange programs by San Francisco drug users in methadone treatment. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. F.C. 107 Abstract Book Vol II p. 116.
  1. Goldstein A,, Gavojdea S,, Gorter R., et al.,  Analysis of HIV antibodies in serum versus whole saliva. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. S/C/613 Abstract Book Vol I p 272.
  1. Wolfe H., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Crack use and related risk factors in IVDUs in San Francisco. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 591 Abstract Book Vol I p 273.
  1. Gorter R., Vranizan K., Moss A., et al., Progression of HIV disease in intravenous drug users. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June, 1990. Th.C. 664 Abstract Book Vol I p. 286.
  1. Slome L., Moulton J., Huffine C., Gorter R., et al., Physician’s attitudes toward assisted suicide in AIDS. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, June 1990.
  1. Abrams D., Greco M., Wong R., Goosby E., Gorter R., et al., Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection. VIth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, San Francisco, June 1990. S.B.487 Abstract Book Vol III p 207
  1. Williams A., Vranizan K., Gorter R., et al., Methadone maintenance, HIV serostatus and race in injection drug users (IDU) in San Francisco, CA. VIth International Conference on AIDS San Francisco, California, June 1990. S.C. 748 Abstract Book Vol III p 276.
  1. Gorter R., Osmond D., Galli D., Hanson C., Vranizan K., Moss A.,  Co-infection of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II on intravenous drug users in treatment programs in San Francisco. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 2372, p 366 Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Wolfe H., Hannah, Zolopa A., Kefflew A., Meakin R., Gorter R., Miranda J., Psychiatric disorder and HIV infection among San Francisco Homeless. VIIth International Conference on AIDS Florence, Italy, June 1991. W.D. 4043, p. 398 Abstract Book Vol II.
  1. Zolopa A., Gorter R., Meakin R., Kefflew A., Wolfe H., Moss A., Homelessness and HIV infection: a population based study. VIIth International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. M.C. 3244, p. 359, Abstract Book Vol I.
  1. Plasse T., Connant M., Gorter R., Sheperd K., Dronabinol stimulates appetite and causes weight gain in HIV patients. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7442, p.122, Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Khwaja T., Linder M., Anti-HIV and immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (mistletoe). VIIIth International Conference on AIDS,
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. PuB 7214, p.84, Abstract Book.
  1. Tappero J., Gorter R., Fila D., Child C., Mitchell T., Alpha-interferron for severe HIV-associated molluscum contagiosum. VIIIth International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992, PoB 3886, p.238,
    Abstract Book.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., El Arif N., Labonte B., Beckmann C., Anti-HIV and
    immunomodulating activities of Viscum album (Iscador®). IXth International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, June 1993. PO-B28-2167, p. 496,
    Abstract Book Vol. I.
  1. Gorter R., Stoss M., Stein J., el Arif N., Immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador. Scientific advances in complemantary medicine, Padova, Italy, June 1995
  1. Gorter R., Double-blind, placebo controlled parallel study to document the effect of delta-9-THC on appetite and weight in symptomatic HIV-infection and AIDS. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 226 – 227
  1. Gorter R., Bestimmung der Virusbelastung mittels branched-DNA bei HIV-Positiven mit Iscador QuFrF-Behandlung. 5. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany, Jan. 1996. In: AIDS und HIV-Infektion in Klinik und Praxis: Vol. 5; 228 – 229
  1. Gorter RW., Stein J., Stoss M., Schuler C., Phase II study to document anti-HIV efficacy of Iscador QuFrF (Viscum album L.). First European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research. Abstract Book; 196 – PS6, Cannes, France, Jan. 1996


  1. Heinzerling L., Rotty J., van Wely M., Portalupi E., Gorter R.,  Prospective Phase-III Studie zur Bestimmung der krebshemmenden und immun-modulierenden Wirkung von Iscador®-Qu Spezial bei Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasie. Conference on Unconventional Medicine. BMFT, Abstract Book, p. 47, Bonn Germany, Dec. 1997
  1. Gorter, RW., Cannabis sativa in der medizinischen Betreuung von Drogen- gebrauchern/innen. 6. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß, Abstract Book; V156, p. 46, München, Germany, Oct. 1996
  1. Gorter RW., Prospektive longitudinale Phase-III-Studie zur Bestimmung der präventiven und krebshemmenden Wirkung von Iscador Qu Spezial bei
    Patientinnen mit Cervixdysplasien. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik: Workshop „Unkonventionelle medizinische Richtungen und unkonventionelle Methoden der Krebsbekämpfung“, Bad Honnef am 23. und 24.
    Februar 1996. In: Forsch Komplementärmed (4) 58 – 68, 1997.
  1. Gorter RW., Cannabis and HIV wasting. Third international conference on home and community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS, Abstract Book; O179, Amsterdam, May 1997
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW., Open Label phase-II trial to document immunomodulating and anti-HIV activities of Iscador QuFrF in HIV positives. Abstract book 190-P4. 2 nd European conference on Experimental AIDS
    Research Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997
  1. Gorter RW., Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M; Cannabis and wasting in AIDS and cancer. International 1997 Symposium on the Cannabinoids,
    Abstract Book, p. 87, Atlanta, USA, June 1977
  1. Schnelle M., Stoss M., van Wely M., Gorter RW.; Cannabis zur Behandlung von Anorexie / Kachexie bei AIDS-Patienten – Toxikologische Aspekte. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 232 – 236, München July 1977
  1. van Wely M., Stoss M., Gorter RW.; Open-Label Phase-II-Studie zur
    Bestimmung der immunmodulierenden und antiviralen Wirkungen von Iscador QuFrF bei HIV-Positiven Patienten.. In: Neue Perspektiven Therapeutische Erwartungen; Die Realität 1997; Monographienreihe Band 6, p. 243 – 244, München July 1977
  1. Gorter RW., Rotty J., Heinzerling L., Schnelle M.; The immunomodulating activities of Iscador Qu Spezial (Viscum album) in patients with HPV-associated cervical dysplasia. In: Abstract Book, First Polish Scientific Conference on Colposcopy and Cervix Dysplasia, p. 217. Zakopane, March 1998
  2. Gorter, Robert W., Viscum album L. (aqueous extract) as an immunomodulator and antiviral drug in HIV. A phase II trial. 12Th World AIDS Conference Geneva, Switzerland. 1998, Abstract 44323, Abstract Book
  1. Robert Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Ellen Peter, Danyl Soto-Vera, Prospective, open-label Phase-II-Study to document the immunomodulatory and anti-HIV-activity of VaQuFrF in HIV-positives over 11 months. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. I. Sanne, D. Spencer, R. Smego, R. Gorter, Immunomodulation of VaQuFrF as adjuvant therapy in combination with Zidovudine and Lamiduvine in HIV-therapy. Eur J Med Res 4 (suppl 1); 10, 1999
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Matthias Stoss, Danyl Soto-Vera, No evidence of IFN-g increase in the serum of HIV-positive and healthy subjects after subcutaneous injection of a non-fermented Viscum album L. extract. Eur J Med Res 4
    (suppl 1); 58, 1999.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, A whole-plant Cannabis extract for anorexia / cachexia in cancer patients. Yoint Meeting British and German Pharmacological Societies Nottingham, UK, July 1999, Abstractbook page 8.
  1. Robert W. Gorter,  An observational study with Medical Grade Marijuana (MGM) in the Netherlands, International Cannabinoid Research Society, Abstractbook, page 111, Baltimore, June 22nd-24th, 2000.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, Possible anti-cancer and anti-retroviral activities of Sutherlandia. Abstract Book, page 45. 38th annual meeting Drug Information Association, Chigaco, USA, June 16th -21st, 2002.
  1. Gorter RW, Practical medical applications of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. Archiv der Pharmazie Vol. 335 (Suppl. 1) page 30, September 2002.
  1. Killerstein J, Hoogervorst ECJ, Reif M, Kalkers NF, Van Loenen AC, Staats PGM, Gorter RW, Uitdehaad BMJ, Polman CM: Safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally administered cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. Two-fold cross-over study. Multiple Sclerosis, Vol 7, suppl 1, September 2001 (platform presentation 0-35).
  1. Matthes C, Marx D, Cillien C, Gorter R, Lorenzen D, Peters H, Nesselhut T: Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response. 39th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #723, Chicago, May 31st-June 4th, 2003.
  1. T Nesselhut, R Chang, C Matthes, D Marx, D Lorenzen, N Cillien, M Martin, R Gorter, J Peters: Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer. 40th Annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, page 180, #2569, New Orleans, USA, June 5th-8th, 2004.
  1. Robert Gorter, Eloy Pulido, Mario Butorac: “Fever-Range, Total-Body Hyperthermia in Combination with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Cancer Patients” The Kadota Fund International Forum, Awaji Yumebutai International Congres, Awaji Islands, Hyogo, Japan, Abstract Book, page 41, #20, June 14th -18th, 2004.
  1. Thomas Nesselhut, Constanze Matthes, Dagmar Marx, Raymond Chang, Dirk Lorenzen, Robert Gorter, Hinrich Peters: Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, proceedings of ASCO, Orlando, USA, May 11th – 15th, 2005.
  1. Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD, et al, “Clinical Outcome of Vaccinations with Naïve (Non-Pulsed) Dendritic Cells in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastome Multiforme in Combination with Electro-Capacitivce Hyperthermia (Celsius 42+)” Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhgi, India, page 23, December 22nd & 23rd, 2012.